As My Grandma Would Say
Published on May 11, 2005 By NotSoSmellySarah In Current Events
I wonder how people can be egotistical. I'm such a perfectionist, I can never allow a compliment to enter in cuz I know i could be better.
I always thought I didn't have an ego. Turns out everyone does. Mine's just mute. She doesn't talk. She smiled today though when Mr. Wright said I was a good writer. Then I let the compliment slide. And she goes back into her little niche.
I'm humble. Some of you guys come off as a little too big for your britches. I don't like it. Its nice to know your good at things, but don't let your ego scream and yell. Pride is like cancer. It eats away at you. Your wings of wax will melt eventually and down you will tumble.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 12, 2005
Smart people ask questions not lash out because they feel inferior

Ah ha.
Ok I'm finished going on about stuff you probably don't want to hear and probably don't believe anyway. This is me shutting up now.

This is where your wrong. I want to hear it, because I want to better myself. I don't want to be just another teenager. I want to matter, I guess thats the whole problem. Great, now i'm confusing myself.
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