yeah i don't know what this means
Ok, so i'm new at this. I figured hey why not jump off the bridge, and join this thing which all the band geeks minus me are doing. Anyway, so i'm a little werid so be prepared for some weird stuff.
Something that has always plexed me is that why does christianity have to be the only way to get to heaven? i am a christian and i love God, contrary to popular belief. but why do only christians have to be right? we were raised to belifeve in the God in the bible, a gurl just like me in the middle east could have been raised to believe in allah or yaweh and go on to live a devout religious life. does that make her wrong? does that make me wrong?
i think that life without religion or a relationship with God no matter which one is pointless. I don't think i'm the only one that's right. Somethings about the bible really tick me off. Oh by the way if youre conservative prepare to be offended*~*~~*~ like i can't control the feelings i have for people of the same gender. i used to live in constant fear of dying and going to hell. I couldn't sleep at night. I tried so hard to heterosexualize my life but couldn't. And trust me knowing everyday that no matter how much you pray or live a good life I WILL STILL BURN FOREVEr, doesnt exactly put a smile on your face. Am i wrong? what can i do to fix myself? oh well. Does anyone else think about things like this? or does everyone still obsess about who likes who or if i'm trying to seduce someone else into liking me?
sorry that was harsh. Another thing that bothered me today, was why i continue to be cheated on. WHY DO GUYS CHEAT????????? for the last three years every guy ive dated has cheated on me. why. i know i'm different. and apparently its okay for guys to be different but not gurls. how sexist is that? why don't decent guys like me? hmmmmmmmmm. oh well enough of that.