Or at least why i read it
Published on December 17, 2004 By NotSoSmellySarah In Philosophy
Today at lunch before i went to practice the new and improved yeast song, i heard alex explaining to shaun why people read the bible and i thought it would make a good article. Having read the whole thing, I think it justifiable that i can write about it. Alex used the example of 1 Cor. 13 which is an amazing part of the bible, it enpowers me everytime i read it. I read it because it is appliable to my life. It is the ultimate definition of love, when i say i love someone it is by those standards. I also thought about song of solomon which is a beautiful love story, theres a line that say "And when i found the one i loved i would not let him go..." and "Do not stir up love until its appointed time" theres something so truly amazing about those lines. I just feel like i know what he was talking about. One of my favorite stories in the bible is that of David and Bethsheba. To make a long story short, David knocked up Bethsheba when she and he were already married, and then offed her husband. I love that story because Bethsheba then went on to be a main player in the linage of Christ. It shows that God still uses people who screw up. The Bible to me isn't just some big book full of " Thou shalt nots" it's an amazing gift from God. I don't understand why people don't want to read it. There so much poetry and all kinds of things that make since even today. Its not outdated because God knew what he was doing. I know, I know He didn't actually write it, but there is a reason that it stayed around so long don' t you think? Now granted a while ago i got really mad about a part of the bible dealing with women, but then i learned about the set up of the church in the time period, it made perfect sense. Some of the content doesn't make sense to us, because well we didn't live thousands of years ago.
I myself are a firm believer in religons of all sorts, the one i chose is christianity. I don't think i am the only one who is right, I think that in this case ( not to be confused with Modernism so don't go dispelling me, shaun) the case of religon there is no right or wrong religion. I do think that everyone does have some type of yearning to be in tune with God, whoever he or she may to that person. I hope youve enjoyed this little article.

on Dec 17, 2004
I understand why people read the Bible, I just don't understand why people would read it over and over again....My thoughts are, if you read it once you don't need to read it again. Alex, today said that it gives people hope and courage....so if it does, then I suppose that's fine. It's just that I've never read a book more than once...so, I wasn't sure why you would read the same story again, but whatever floats your boat

on Dec 18, 2004
Yeah, i've got this tendancy of reading books over and over and over if i like them, i don't know why. It does give me hope and courgage so i know what alex is talking about.