Perhaps i'll try again
Published on January 12, 2005 By NotSoSmellySarah In Misc
All i can say is, that if you don't shut up, i'm going to get angry and it is not going to be pretty. Okay, i tried to be nice and make the friendship thing work, but you know what, i don't care right about now. I'm sorry that the world doesn't revolve around you, and if you don't stop what youre doing then i'm going to have to scream, but being a god fearing women i can't scream the obscenities that are running through my mind. Can you just let the drama go please? Its hard enough on one of my best friends going through this crap, without you there to make it worse. SO STOP IT. It ticks me off, because i hurt more for her then i do for myself. You know why brandons "yelling at you" because its about time he did. I'll tell you why, he sat back and took crap from you for the past six months or so, and i don't think he should take it anymore. And could cut the "i'm not girly, so the guys will want to hang out with me" crap, it's getting old.I'm sorry that i'm blunt, but you know what i have to be, because i'm going mental. I know that you want to be supportive of me, and thats all fine and dandy, but i don't need that, what i need you to do is stop with the "lets start some drama" bs cuz that is getting old as well. I tried to get through to you but its not working. I have a lot of anger welled up inside of me, and it's lashing out at you, for that i will apologize. But for everything else. deal with it. Shaun said i was a bitch the other day, and so be it , i don't even care if you think that. So run of to your little friend and say what ever you want, cuz i can't take anymore.
Oh and might i recomend that you read "Walden and other Essays About Civil Disobediance" by Thoreau

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 13, 2005
Yeah and brandon wasn't the one to tell about the alex thing, it was someone else ash so dont be mad at him
on Jan 13, 2005
i was emo before i was angry,* turns to get a tissue.
on Jan 14, 2005
Well...whatever the hell happened here. Oh, Sarah...I didn't call you a may think I did, but I didn', just to clear that bit up.

on Jan 14, 2005
Now, exactly what did I tell her? That you like Alex? No, you've told others previously. Maybe you didn't realize it but you have. And you told everyone without saying anything. It's just the way you act.

Ok, so maybe I didn't know that people could tell. My bad. And I'm sorry for that. I guess I just didn't realize it. I thought since you, shaun, bobbi, and jessica were the only ones that knew, i never really though about the way I acted. So, yeah, I'm sorry.

on Jan 14, 2005
I'm with Kendra on this one... what's going on here? Why is everyone so mad?

Yeah, well I would like to know myself why everyone here is getting mad.

on Jan 14, 2005
I think that this is stupid. Everyone at our school gives drama and this article is part of it. Friendships work two ways in case you didnt know that so you don't need to put it on the blog before you talk about them. if Brandon had a problem with the way ashley was he needed to tell her and not yell at her if that is what he did (you said he did). Also carebear is a good person to put up with it if i was her i would be done. Also if carebear wants to run to her friends and stay stuff let her because everyone does it. It's just a part of life. Don't say Shaun called you anything if you didn't hear it.
on Jan 14, 2005
Exactly my point! Thank you for agreeing whoever you are! I think it's all stupid!

on Jan 14, 2005
Leave me alone, you know why do i even bother anymore that's what i want to know. you know what from now on i'll go back to the way i was before, and not tell anyone how i'm feeling and pray that i don't burst. I give up.
on Jan 15, 2005
Oh and jee ashley i wonder why everyone thinks that you put yourself before others, come on now, if so many people think that shouldn't you examine your actions?
on Jan 16, 2005
all of you have very good points !!!!! but like some one said this is not the place to spill your anger out on someone i found it beter to do it face to face , so that way there is no confustion and they can see your reactions and see what you really mean , becuse reading and seeing are to diffrent things !!!! thats why i say reading is bad for you lol
on Jan 16, 2005
OMG OMG OMG... we often get so absorbed in our own litle worlds that we forge that there is so much drama to keep up with on the WEB. Thanks kids for keeping us all updated
on Jan 16, 2005
Apparently no one gets it. If I could express my anger face to face don't you think i would be doing that. You know what i surrender you all win. I don't even care anymore
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