Is there something wrong with me?
I just wondered. I mean I yell and everyone jumps down my throat. Anyone elses yells it's like it okay...
But only if brandon says so. I mean you'd think he was God or something. Its like his opionon is the mass majority's
opinon. I mean i'm his girlfriend and even i don't agree with him half as much as everyone else on this sight. I love him,
and i know you guys probably don't do it on purpose. But please. He's a great guys with some great opinions and i may be sarandon but at least i can think for myself. Not saying that i don't support him cuz i do its just weird.
Oh well, and i just realized i could change stuf around on my little site thingy. I'm just so techinical...yeah RIGHT. Much to spazzy for that. So check it out, you guys should be proud of me.
I still feel like no one even listens to me. And i still feel like i don't quite fit in.