I'm Such A Whore
Published on March 8, 2005 By NotSoSmellySarah In Misc
Okay so there was theese cute little bunnies all playing in a field.....lol.
I wondered what it would be like to whore for points. I really don't even understand the whole point thing, but i just read another Homosexual article and it ticked me off, because all they wanted was points.
What i'm really writing about is the vagina. I read the Vagina Monologues and now i want to perform one. I think it would be cool. No one ever talks about vaginas. I mean the word does sound like an infection. But hey it's a place of beauty, where life is given. Isn't that awesome? i think its awesome. Like sixty five percent of women have never seen their vagina, isn't that sad. Although i've heard that its a complicated process to see it, it sounds like a lot of work. I recomend the Vagina Monologues cause it's speaks of the female anatomy very powerfully.
No one really even says the word vagina. VAGINA!!!! i say it all the time now. It makes some people blush. Some call it cunt, but i don't like that word it makes it sound dirty. I don't like sland words for it. Its the vagina, the clitoris, the vulva and whatever else is down there. I encourage you to read the book and start saying vagina...
Now back to the bunnies......

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 09, 2005

Ah, that's the word, then...

on Mar 09, 2005
Great article Sarah!!

I went to a very conservative, religious college for paramedic school. Imagine the fun we had, discussing our anatomy and physiology lessons in the cafeteria and library!!

Of course, the funniest was when a Basic EMT student asked a question about the Vulva in the back of her mouth!!! ;~D
on Mar 09, 2005
VAGINA!!!! mwahahaha! I said it Sarah!!

(Check out carebear's Texas Wahine article for reference)

Oh so nice of you to mention me Alex! lol. No, that wasn't to get points. If I remember correctly, Texas, Gideon, Muggaz, and myself were talking about being points whores. But we were merely making a joke out of it. It wasn't to get points at all. I truly don't give a shit if I'm last on this thingymabob. And the thing with Brandon and I "competing". Yeah that's a big joke too. He always used to tease me when I first started out on here and he told me that I would never ever catch up to him. But look now....only three spots away from him. lol. Oh, and if this sounds like I'm yelling, I'm not. I actually laughed when you used me as a reference!

on Mar 09, 2005
Thanks for all the nice comments guys!
Sarah Stoeckl~ I hope that when i get to college i can perform in one of Eve Enslers shows on V day. I want to be an actor too, so it's like my dream. VAGINA POWER! (thats sounds so cool.)

Island Girl~ it's my favorite new vocab word. Thanks for the points, although i still don't know of their purpose.

Nebraskawoman~ never stop saying it.
mada_ecks~ The world would be a very, very different place if guys couldn't see their penis ( what the heck is the plural of that word?) Maybe they would stop thinking with it if they couldn't see it. hm...
Messybu~ yes anything to do with the female anatomy should be CAPATALIZED!
ParaTed2k~ there is no way i could go to a conservative school like that. We had a church retreat about sex last week and it was kind of like that, I of course don't really have inhibitions when it comes to talking about sex or vaginas but everyone else did, it was somewhat ackward to say the least.
Ashley~ Ha, ha. You seemed very inhibited by our talk that one day at lunch. Shaun enjoyed the lesbian monologue a little too much if you ask me.
Alex~ good point.

on Mar 09, 2005
It's kinda strange. The word totally grows on you. I don't typically involve myself in discussions about the anatomy of... well, anything really, but now that Sarah has read that book I'm a bit more curious as to what it's in. It really does sound like a good book.

Capt. over and out!
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