I'm beyond annoyed
Published on March 11, 2005 By NotSoSmellySarah In Misc
I am so sick of hearing "well if youre going to be an actress you better get used to such and such" I know what I am going to have to face it is not an excuse for you to treat me like crap or to get me to do things that i hate. When it matters, I won't complain, right now were in high school and i can do what i want. Stop using me. Stop abusing me. Don't CONDESCEND to me. Don't use that tone. Don't yell at me. Just shut up and let me be. I know what i'm doing. Stop acting like you know more than i do. I don't want to hear this from you. And it's no because "youre right, and i'm wrong" it's because i've had enough. I'm tired of being used to do crappy parts because i want to be an actor.
on Mar 11, 2005
What is this supposed to mean?

on Mar 11, 2005
Great rant Sarah!!!

I was in high school drama too, and I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!!

The problem is, the professional acting business is one of the few businesses where a woman can still be told that if she isn't willing to take off her shirt, she won't get the part. If you're not willing to starve yourself, you won't get work. Well, you get the picture. I know these things are not demanded of you at your age and level, but I think what you are (and I was) put through is the High School drama equvilent.

on Mar 11, 2005
Sarah you are right. Nobody should treat you like crap. You know what you're doing. So keep it up! I love you! If that makes you feel any better. lol.

on Mar 11, 2005
Manopeace, apparently she revoked her exit. Ease up.

You'll be a great actress, unfortunately you weren't quite brought up in an actress-friendly area; if you played football you'd be set! Good luck tonight!!!
on Mar 11, 2005
Like I always say....you don't need to take shit from anyone. You're good at acting....very good and much better than I'll ever be. Andy's right about the football thing....they are worshipped here for some odd reason. Well, you keep working at it and you'll do just fine.

Good luck tonight or break a leg or whatever the hell the theater calls for!

on Mar 11, 2005
Manopeace, apparently she revoked her exit. Ease up.

good... I like her posts
on Mar 12, 2005
ParaTed2k~ I'm glad theres someone out there who know how this goes. Its annoying sometimes. but our perfomance was last night and it went really well. My mom worries about me, because she thinks when i get out of high school i'll do ANYTHING to get a part. That's not the case. I'm willing to work at it, compromise, but when in the end i hold my ground. Thanks.

Andy~ Thanks. Our school and its shrine to the football team is annoying, but I'm trying. Saxton put me in charge of the arts festival in april and i'm really excited about that.

Manopeace~ I'm glad you like my posts. I revoked my exit because I shouldn't give up something i love, in this case writing articles, because other people are being annoying.

Ashley~ Thanks, youre a great friend!!!!!!
on Mar 12, 2005
Manopeace~ I'm glad you like my posts. I revoked my exit because I shouldn't give up something i love, in this case writing articles, because other people are being annoying.

A very welcome revocation indeed... ignore the annoyers and blog on!
on Mar 14, 2005
Yeah well...I guess you'll have that when one loves another as I do!
