Published on May 4, 2005 By NotSoSmellySarah In Misc
It's really hard for you to be yourself, when you think your supposed to be something else. I was supposed to grow up in to some cold hearted liberal, feminist, lesbian on the side. That's what my prophesy was. I guess thats the track I was on for a really long time.
I never had the time to be a girl. I skipped the stage where girls become girls. I always knew I was different from all of them but not in a unique way. Like I missed something. I missed my chance to become a girl. I had been told I was ugly so I left it at that. I just stopped caring. It wasn't easier that way, like I thought it would be.
But here I am, and apparently I'm changing. I'm becoming the person I really am, not the vision people, myself included, thought I should be. Maybe some people don't understand this. But to me, all I know is, I'm not the same person anymore. You all of my friends on this site and some other people like Ms. Meyer and my youth group friends have helped me overcome years of obstacles and have helped me be a girl. Whether you counseled me through my darkest hour, or just said something nice about me on a particular day, you have altered my personality. I don't mind if you don't really comprehend it, but thank you all so much. I love you all.
I never realized that I would have to become the person I was all along.

on May 04, 2005
Well, it's about time that you just gave into our pushing and shoving you to just let in. lol

Capt. over and out!
on May 05, 2005
Sarah's becoming a girl! Yay! I'm proud of you Sarah! I love you!

on May 05, 2005
Well, I'm glad you're finding yourself. Hope I helped in some small way....I believe kudos goes to Brandon for you making the whole change, though.

Welcome to womanhood...bathrooms are on the left....

on May 06, 2005
Im scared.....*wisper* ( I didnt know she was)

on May 06, 2005
Sarah can you do me a small favor......Stop being a girl

on May 07, 2005
Screw you Jeffers.