Published on December 3, 2005 By NotSoSmellySarah In Misc
Sometimes I miss it here, I miss writing something and getting a response, although it was usually negative, at least i had something. Now I don't have a whole lot. I feel empty, I look back and go "where did my life get so fucked up?" and I remain clueless. Maybe that bad kharma Alex and Brandon always told me I had has finally caught up with me.
I miss having Brandon around so much that its become pretty normal. Its the others that flash in my mind and break my heart again. I miss Alex, there are days when I need him so much and I know theres no way he could help me. Many days I find myself missing Kyle and his crazy friends who always were so much fun. The other day I even missed Dairic, who although his obsession for a while was a little scary, always encouraged me to be myself.
Sometimes I miss the old life I had, and others I'm really happy with this one. Round Town Players has opened up a whole new world of friends for me. Right now i'm on a break and its really hard because i don't have rehersals to go to. They love me, and its like having a family, that loves me and cares for whats in my best interest, not to mention its full of eccentric old people who always are a good time.
Sometimes I miss playing with barbie and listening to hanson. I miss being a little girl, before I became such a bitch. Not that i really mind being a bitch, because as shaun says it i am the "lovable bitch".
Most days I miss the things I never had, maybe never will have.

on Dec 04, 2005
I believe I may be able to speak for many others when I say we miss you too. I for one miss you very dearly and yet for now there's not much I can do to change that.

Hey, why don't you try and find some barbies somewhere and take them to school to play with during lunch or something like that? Just a suggestion. Well, all I can do is try to comfort you from afar and remind you that there's someone who loves you out there (me) who wants to see you smile again.

Capt. over and out!