I hate parents. Not because "they're ruininng my life" or some other whiny response, but because they have no idea what they're doing. My moms just lets him walk back into our lives and our house like nothing happened. It makes me so mad i can barely think straight. And she tells me to be supportive of him. Yes he has depression and manic depression which isn't a suprise my grandpa has it too. but I do not trust him and i want him out of the majority of my life. I guess i'm cruel and selfish ...
So i was sick of ac guild that is why i have this now. I hope you like it and i hope it suits us better. I don't know much about computers but i think this will work fine.
I spend ninety percent of my time with boys. Brandon, of course, Shaun, Alex etc. the only female i come into a decent amount of contact with is kinjruh but even then not a whole lot. I sometimes forget that i'm allowed to be girly. So today was the tea party. The dress was victorian. Okay so i know that we're the only teenage girls probably anywhere that still play dress up and go to tea partys. But i don't care. So anyway i got to wear like a dozen skirts and be in the presence of FEMALES f...
I've seen this scene before.(its not the same, but yet so familiar). The pill I had to swallow was so bitter, betrayal is so hard to keep down. Boxes and bags awaken theese feelings. Front lawns and love songs make me scream. "...cuz I'm leaving on a jet plane, I don't know when i'll get back again..." playing in the soundtrack of this memory. I felt this pain before, I've heard those words before ( I try to know you mean them), I've definately seen this scene before, before. Promises are ...
I wonder how people can be egotistical. I'm such a perfectionist, I can never allow a compliment to enter in cuz I know i could be better. I always thought I didn't have an ego. Turns out everyone does. Mine's just mute. She doesn't talk. She smiled today though when Mr. Wright said I was a good writer. Then I let the compliment slide. And she goes back into her little niche. I'm humble. Some of you guys come off as a little too big for your britches. I don't like it. Its nice to know you...
I have had an interesting time lately...my exboyfriend/good friend Joshua is up from Georgia and we have been spending a lot of time with my good friend Kyle. I missed both of them a lot cuz I've realized that I ditched them both a lot lately when I started dating Brandon and hanging out with his/my friends. I realized that they were my friends before I started dating Brandon which means a lot to me. Joshua and I had a hard breakup, I dumped him after six monthes after being hurt and not bot...
There are ghosts of you Floating down hallways and stairwells And glimmering under harsh search lights Residue of who we used to be I got caught up in the memory Of this place where I fell so hard That I never did get back up I traced my steps back to the place where i gave you my heart, Unsuprised to find that it wasn't there anymore. I tried hard to be strong But no matter where I look to Or ran from I knew you would be there... I found that others cared for me, and i...
I was just thinking the other day. Now that Brandon's not around much anymore...soon he won't be for a long time...I have no clue who I am. There hasn't been just Sarah in a long time...nearly a year. I don't know how to handle it. I don't even know who I was before, and how to just be myself by myself. My idenity has been Brandon's identity. I don't know if anyone knows who I really am, I don't even know if I know who I really am. I think I lost myself awhile ago. Now I just feel numb and lo...
I used to be scared of Brandon's mom, well I have replaced that fear with the burning dislike of a thousands suns. I am done being scared of that woman. Now I intend to do whatever I can to spite her. Saturday comes and I'm supposed to go see Brandon seeing how its his last day, becasue he was leaving on Sunday. The (can't say what i really think) woman wakes him up and says that shes up and decided to leave today. Even though I heard her tell him a few days prior that they w...
The number four isn't so bad I tell myself Just one hand The fingers of just one hand. Index, Pointing in stern disbelief Or Obliging you to come hither Middle Expressing my anger, my more than slight vulgarity Eager defiant feminism even on my back. The ring Its bareness, it seems to be saying I broke the rules Of someone elses game. Pinky. Small, pink flesh childlike, my impatience I have room: the thumb the sturdy stablity When fingers trace over the ke...