Okay so at the bball game me and shaun had a conversation about sex. This one was significant however. I just read sams article on sex and I was thinking. I want to know other opinions, i'm not some sex crazed maniac who is just looking to get laid, I seriously just want some answers. Why are we supposed to wait til marriage? Okay, i understand sex is sacred and beautiful and ment to be cherished. But if I'm in love with someone (once again i know it requires maturity, and a lot of other ...
He is the skeleton in my closet, The cold lifeless cadaver in my trunk, His faces still haunts me, His laughter ringing in my ears, His presence plagues my dreams Creeping like the still small voice in my head, Late at night, I am vunerable again There i can still feel him And I am suffocating again, He told me he "loved me" And gave me back my heart, Rotten and soiled with tears, As I made scars to heal the pain, Paranoia choked the trust out of me Paradoxy making me confused,...
Take my shoulder, Its yours to saturate with sorrows, I'll reach out for you across forever, Cause somehow you'll still feel my grasp, Truth sets us free, Knowing all I have to be, Is your friend, All I need is your smiling face, Knowing we're both looking for our place, In all of this, Knowing God has collided our worlds, For such a time as this, I just want you to know, That you never have to go, That you can always show, Who you really are, Cause you know, I'll never want ...
Just ignore me, maybe I won't exist. Youve seen the scars, you've read the poems about her, you've seen my lying on the floor crying out for someone for anyone to hold me. Just turn your back to me. Pretend that my pain isn't real, even though you taught it to me. I try so hard so that you can't see the pain, because I know it isn't real to you anyway. Lie to me, appease me for a moment, pretend to care. Then shatter the glass. Tell me how I'll grow up to be trash. I won't amount to anything...
I thought about you this morning as I covered my eyelids with green shadow, I remembered how you liked how it made blue eyes shine. I think about you often. Sometimes with a smile like when I flip through channels finding the wiggles were on it made me think of you singing at lunch making me and Renae laugh til tears. I don't talk to Renae anymore, I think its because it hurts to much to be reminded of you. Sometimes with tears, like when you brush past me in a crowded Circleville street hold...
Heres what I know about me I'm lost in between words and worlds apart from where I need to be And I'm a silly hearted girl And no one gives a damn A flat fuck Or ass of any kind What I say People listen when other peoples words float out of my mouth and to their ears When I'm on a stage but everywhere else they put gags in my mouth You'll create your own version of me And with the help of blinders Thats all you'll see You'll think I'm fascinating That I complete your ever...
Barefeet, Concrete I'd follow in your steps There is something absolutely magical about this girl Wide smile and dark eyes is where I go Mass of mossy brown hair Curtains me in You are all i can see Maybe I'll melt into this most beautiful unveiling my short lifetime, my little worn heart Has taken.