Mirror, mirror On the wall, Lie to me, Or i will fall, Am i the greatest, Am i the best, Or am i just nothing, Like all the rest, Maybe i'm the girl that stands in my own way, But maybe i shall live, Happily ever after someday.
Wanting is aching, Smiling; i'm faking, Is this world, Really mine for the taking? Keeping; i'm losing, Understanding becomes confusing, Lost in this paradoxy, I'm abusing, Failing; but i'm trying, Re-living; i'm dying, Unable to stop, Myself from crying, Losing what i am finding, Seeing that is blinding, Trying to keep my mind from unwinding, Freedom is caging, Conformity; it is changing, Watching my life, As it's rearranging, I'm just a saint that is sinning, A loser th...
Judge me by a plastic smile, Reflection in a broken mirror, Broken by society's standards, With nothing to make it clearer, If she did not exist, Would i look the same? In the eyes of others, In the eyes of what i became? A fugitive to their judgments, Fettered by their every unknown thought, In a tangled web, Am i unjustly caught, Pedestal of beauty, So high above my head, I want to believe, But i cannot concieve, The words, the new truths That are said.
yeah i think that i should write about myself so that the world can know me. I am really short. I am the cutest gurl in the band (ha, haa) Contrary to Capt. Cornbread, i do NOT SMELL (bad anyway) I'm particially deaf in my left ear, I am left handed. I hate the llama thing that was so popular last year. i hate trends, i think there for sell outs I love ska, i'm the only female in the skool that can skank properly What kind of color is cyan? never heard of it Sometimes i wake up ...
We should definately go by PDWT when no one else is around. I think that Why Wont They DIe, and Blackstone Sucks Monkey Ducks were also good ones.I made my shirt i'm wearing it tomorrow. Hey wait a minute how could we be the PDWT if i'm girl. And i don't have a PDWT in the first place!! That's a little sexist. Of course very few of you know what i'm talking about but you'll prolly understand tomorrow. it's quite amusing so you can laugh anyway if you like.
Okie dokie, i've had this discussion with numerous amounts of people, and i think i've come to some conclusions finally. All i ever hear is yeah your a great friend but you make me mad, or you're kinda of mean, which is the truth i'm not afraid to admit i am mean sometimes, especially to stacey, and sometimes alex cause he's usually around at the wrong time. I've been striving to know why people dislike me so much. I'm not one of those people who truly live their lives off of what other peopl...
Don't ask me. My whole life rearranged itself in a matter of 48 hrs. I sat back and did nothing. It was like i blinked and now nothing's the same anymore. Just when i think there's no hope, it's like i get a smack in the face, a good smack in the face, if possbile, that says "Hey who are you to say there's no hope?" that or i just have really weird twisted luck, anyway, I don't owe anyone an explanation of what is going on, because well just because no matter how hard you tried you'd proably ...
I put my belts on upside down and backwards, and it took me a good fifteen years before noticing it. I don't put milk on my cereal...ever. My favorite colors are pink, purple and black. I'm an emo kid, a ska kid, and a little punk all in one. I can't swim. I have never ridden on a roller coaster.My first boyfriend was blake retta in fith grade. I used to eat glue with clint evans in fourth grade. I'm not used to being happy. It's kinda cool this phenomenon. Anyway, i have a rubber d...
So undeserving of this moment, So unexpecting it would come, Never knowing this would happen. That Some new, precious gift, Would be Given for unknown reasons, To someone so insignificant as i, Suddenly the world isn't as dark and dreary, As i had lived for so long, Euphoria taps me on the shoulder, and Plays a reverie, Of a beating heart, That's bleeding love for me.
Okay i was listening to the new relient k and decided to write an article on the uprising of emo. Everyone's emo now. I mean even the stupid pop punk bands like g.c. and simple plan are even emo now. First Blink turned emo, which i knew would happen after adam's song on one of there older cds. Then Sum 41 followed suit, but they have there own version of emo which is almost screamo but not quite. It's like angry punk emo. Then all the pop punk kids were all like yeah emo is the way to be. Stu...
Okay i have nothing really interesting going on. I'm a rebel (muahahahahahaha) and don't have a church to go to so i decided to write an article. Today was interesting, after some keen persuasion from Mr. Justice, the Capt. rescued my book from the ever evil, ever scarey Mr. Roderick. I am petrified of him. I had to perform a scene from Antigone this morning in drama, in which, i got carried away and proceeded to kill my vocal chords. I don't realize how loudly i project anymore. AUDITIONS AR...
Okay so i've always thought that valentines day was kind of stupid and a product of zealous commercialism. But i'm also a hopeless romantic. I want to do something really special for Brandon to show him how much i care, but I'm running low on ideas. Of course i will find the perfect answer and it'll be amazing. But right now i'm not too sure. Shaun suggested that i get in a big cake made out of cheese wearing something skimpy with a hat made out of nachos and hold sparklers..and i'm sure he'd...
I dream of center stage with bright lights and working sound equipment. I dream of someone seeing my talent. I dream of peace. I dream of happiness in all my friend's lives. I dream of settling down someday with the man of my dreams which is at this present time, Brandon. I dream of knowing my own idenity. I dream of no steroetypes. I dream of days where i don't have to part with the one i love so much. I dream of not feeling ashamed. I dream of loving myself as much as Brandon doe...
I was talking to a friend today about the saying coming out of the closet. What is the closet? Who started this saying, I wonder. Its a really odd saying. Me and said friend were in the bookstore, and i saw this saying that said "Gay guys stay in the closet because there interested about fashion" it made me chuckle but it was kind of steroetypical. But what if its a linen closet? And why a closet, why not a pantry? Sorry i'm being stupid, back to my orginal point. People usually are highly as...
Okay the stupid skool computer will not let me comment so i have to write an article. In regards to what trina said about me, yes indeed i do have brandon, i love him and i'm very happy, however,i see that sam and alex are hurting and that upsets me. I'm not putting myself in it, i just want to let them know i'm here. There are two really good friends of mine and i want to help. I felt like stacey, just wasn't getting it and it bugged me. Sorry that i yelled at you stace, i just felt it ...