NotSoSmellySarah's Articles In Philosophy
November 16, 2004 by NotSoSmellySarah
Yesterday night i went to the best concert at the Newport Music Hall to see Jimmy Eat World, one of my favorite emo bands. It was awesome. there's nothing like the feeling you get being smashed up against complete strangers as everyone jumps up and down and sings the words to every song in only god knows what key. There was just something about it that made me feel like i fit in. No one cared what i wore, if my opionon was the same as theres, people just talked to me without hesitation. They ...
December 17, 2004 by NotSoSmellySarah
Today at lunch before i went to practice the new and improved yeast song, i heard alex explaining to shaun why people read the bible and i thought it would make a good article. Having read the whole thing, I think it justifiable that i can write about it. Alex used the example of 1 Cor. 13 which is an amazing part of the bible, it enpowers me everytime i read it. I read it because it is appliable to my life. It is the ultimate definition of love, when i say i love someone it is by those stand...
December 22, 2004 by NotSoSmellySarah
I was just thinking about life today. I have fallen into a trap where I let my life be consumed just like everyone else's by what people think or at least thought of me, and who's liking who and whatnot. There is so much more to life then fighting over boys, puhleez, it's not worth risking friendship over, *okay it was kinda of in my case because i wasn't really good friends with them* but i think me, ashley, and stacey are starting to figure this whole thing out. I have to stop letting mysel...
January 10, 2005 by NotSoSmellySarah
Thoreu, one of my favorite people EVER, said "men live lives of silent desperation" Which in my terms means, shut your mouth, because you have no clue what's going on in people's lives. You are not the victim so shut up and stop making things worse for people. Don't joke about stuf that cause people potenial pain, would it hurt you if you had gone through it, but oh then it would be all " OH Please feel bad for me" so just stop it, okay. Everyone stop it. Stop the drama cuz i can't take it r...
February 2, 2005 by NotSoSmellySarah
I'm trying to think of my gym class as a mere lesson in social darwinsim. I hate gym, I still argue that I am athletically challenged. Like i really care that i can't hit a stupid ball over a stupid net. It's such an idiotic waste of my time. I mean I know they want to to be healthy, but please. Anyway, my P.E. class has all the basic princples of natural selection, the biggest dumbest jocks and the cutest athletic girls go first. Then the mediocre, and then well the people like me. I am tryi...
January 27, 2005 by NotSoSmellySarah
"To be a great philospher is not merely to have subtle thoughts...but to love wisdom as to live according to as it dictates, a life of simplicity, independance, magnamity and trust" Anyone guess who said that? Yep, my main man Henry David. As if Walden wasn't an awesome book, theres The Gospel According to Larry, this is an amazing book. i read it a little while ago, and am reading it again. If ever i would cheat on brandon with a book, it would be this book. I love it. Its based of a lot...
March 2, 2005 by NotSoSmellySarah
Life is not a video game with God at the controllers. I'm sorry but that's not how it works. God is the Father, He takes care of us, watches out for us, listens to our cries, and fixes things when we mess up. But He doesn't control what happens to us. There would be no need for Jesus or Salvation or Redemption if it was that way. I hate when people say well whatever God has planned. I do know what God does place people and situations in our lives SOMETIMES for a divine purpose. But we make ou...
November 23, 2007 by NotSoSmellySarah
The studio is safe The place where we Release everything Find everything Yell Scream Kick Cry Laugh Out Loud And no one is hurt React the way we want to In the infamous real world Theres a soft buzzing in my ear Your voice is flat, and I hear Nothing Youre yelling youre condescending You treat me like a child Nothing I repeat and repeat In this haze Suddenly a spark Impulse in my nervous stomache Guttural noise from my throat Its gone Lost in the struggle Floundering ...